Our church
We are part of the Trinity River Southern Baptist Association, Believers and churches in Southeast Texas working together to share Jesus.
What you will find at Whispering Meadows Baptist Church is a bunch of imperfect people serving a perfect Savior. We invite you to visit and find a spirit filling Word of God and the good news of our Savior.
If you are interested in a church home you may unite in any of the following ways:
Profession of Faith and Baptism
Membership by transfer from a church of like faith
Statement of prior profession of faith and baptism
Our Church Staff
Pastor Earnie Lenard and his wife Marci have been active in ministry for over 40 years. They have been active in visitation programs, outreach programs, Sunday school and Director. Earnie has served at many churches in the Trinity River Association, returning to Whispering Meadows Baptist Church in 2015. On August 14, 2016 Earnie and Marci were called to meet the needs of the body of believers of Whispering Meadows Baptist Church where Earnie serves as pastor and Marci serves as the church secretary.
Ronnie Robertson is our deacon. He is our support in so many ways. He is God sent and keeps things running smoothly.
James Thomas is the Music Director. He is fun to be around, with his quirky sense of humor in addition to a gentle heart and quick smile.
Susan Ford is our Treasurer. She has a love for the Lord that will warm your heart, along with her sweet fellowship and quiet ways.
Nola Thomas is our pianist. She plays piano by ear and has a beautiful singing voice to go along with it. We are truly blessed by her God given talent.
D'Avian Burnell is our Youth Ambassador. He is always ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in need and has a great time with the tambourines that accompany and enhance the music.